Support Us

Your support helps the Center to build a healthier, safer, more just and sustainable future for all of us. We are an independent organization and your financial support enables us to remain independent, valuable, and a critical service to the movement.  -- Thank you!

The fiscal sponsor of the Global Center for Climate Justice is the Center for Political Ecology, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.

The Center will receive 100% of donations through checks. Checks should be made out to the Center for Political Ecology. The Global Center for Climate Justice should be written into the memo line of the check. Please send the check to the following address:

The Center for Political Ecology (CPE)
PO Box 8467
Santa Cruz, CA 95061

Alternatively, we appreciate your generous online giving at the Donate button below! If you'd like to contribute monthly, please select the monthly option.